Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Birthday Girl

My girl Kate, my 1st born, had a birthday last week, she turned 27yrs old. and well... I feel Old... its a good thing that I'm not!!! LOL. I can remember the day that she was born like it was yesterday! I just fell in love with her and have loved her ever since. I think the baby days went a little slower because she was the first and I had time to take it all in! she was so much fun!! now those last two girls right there in the that picture.... where the heck did they come from and how the heck did they grow up so fast??? oh I just love them all!!!!!!


Lance and Deb said...

Hey this is Whit on Debs account.. and I know exactly what you are talking about... I feel like Paige grew up overnight.. LOL

Beth Ann said...

Love your blog Jules!!! You have a cute family!!!