A lot has happened in the last few weeks. Bart is back home and working in the shop building some beautiful cabinets he well head back down to San Diego on Sunday for a few days. Mothers day was so fun and I got lots of cards and fun stuff from my kids! I love em! we have been playing a lot of softball and Taylor and Paige's team is doing great and have only lost 1 game all season! I am working on camp for the stake and the ward and I think it is going to be so much fun! just hoping that it doesn't snow on us since it will be June and it usually does! The leaves are finally coming out and I think it might be spring here pretty soon! don't blink or you will miss it! here are a few pictures to sum up the last 2 weeks!
Chad at a THS alumni game good thing he is tall and can strrrretch!

some of Chad and Jakes horns from the Elk refuge hunt the first 2 are theirs

Taylor fishing? and Paige driving the boat what do they need us for?
Paige learning to drive the boat out of the water you go girl! I hate that job!