Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Mama, don't you just love this picture!!!

I've been thinking alot about my Dear Mother this week, somtimes I just miss here so much I was eating chinese food with my family the other night and thought about how we loved to go and have chinese food when I would be visiting her in Meridian. Mom was always game to go out and have some fun! she enjoyed her family, her kids and grandchildren and her great grandchildren when they came along! mom had a great sense of humor and could find a chuckle in just about anything! I loved that about her! mom was one of the best cooks around, not fancy just good old, down home, make somthing out of nothin! cookin! she could make anything taste good! want potatoe soup a hundred different ways! she could do it!! I miss her playing the piano on sunday mornings, by ear, and singing along! she would dance in the kitchen while she hummed a tune. I miss that too!! So many things you take for granted when you are growing up!! Mom made me want to be a Mother! because she loved being a Mother and everything she did was for her family! I'm so glad that she got to welcome each one of my children, and kiss them and tell them how special they are! I'm just so grateful to have had such a wonderful mother and for all the good memories that she left me


Royce and Deanne Wooly said...

So beautifully put! You were a lucky girl to have such a wonderful mom.

Jessie Woolstenhulme said...

i love that picture... i have never seen it. you must have learned to be such a good mom from her. happy mom's day. we LOVE you!!

Big Bopper said...

Well, you put me in tears - I bet mom's crying in heaven - that was so sweet. And so true. She loved her family so much. Thank you Julie!