Oh I love September, it seems like things slow down a little and you get to catch your breath and enjoy the last of the summer days, and since all we thought about, or did this summer was wedding related, its a nice change of pace! I have a lot of back blogging to do, I am waiting for the professional wedding pics to arrive so I can say more about Kate & Wade and Chad & Jodi's weddings. We had a great summer, just so busy. We also went to Martin's Cove with our ward , I have a lot of pictures so I hope to get them posted. I would really like to print my blog for our family journal so I have to get it all in. so I don't look back and say "What the heck, I can't believe that I didn't post that!" We did find time to put in a small square foot garden, and it over floweth now and we are enjoying the bean and peas and cucumbers, squash, cabbage, and herbs. I cant believe how much we grew in these little 4x8 plots! and not to much to take care of ! of course the teenagers help out a lot to! thanks girls! we also have some turkeys, ya I know crazy huh but Bart just loves raising birds! and i'm hoping they well taste good this winter! by the way they are all named "Tom".