Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September Bliss

 Oh I love September, it seems like things slow down a little and you get to catch your breath and enjoy the  last of the summer days, and since all we thought about, or did this summer was wedding related, its a nice change of pace! I have a lot of back blogging to do, I am waiting for the professional wedding pics to arrive so I can say more about Kate & Wade and Chad & Jodi's weddings. We had a great summer, just so busy. We also went to Martin's Cove with our ward , I have a lot of pictures so I hope to get them posted. I would really like to print my blog for our family journal so I have to get it all in. so I don't look back and say "What the heck, I can't believe that I didn't post that!" We did find time to put in a small square foot garden, and it over floweth now and we are enjoying the bean and peas and cucumbers, squash, cabbage, and herbs. I cant believe how much we grew in these little 4x8 plots! and not to much to take care of ! of course the teenagers help out a lot to! thanks girls! we also have some turkeys, ya I know crazy huh but Bart just loves raising birds! and i'm hoping they well taste good this winter!  by the way they are all named "Tom".

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It was a Beautiful Day !

Kate arrived in style thanks to her brother!

The princess's

This one makes me cry, happy tears not sad!
My little Jentri , she had so much fun being a princess!

My beautiful daughter made a beautiful Bride!

good lookin couple wouldn't you say?

Thanks again Anita , no one can paint a sign like you!

Rachel Nelson did a great job on the cake

looked cuter with the treats in the dishes!

this one makes me cry too, she has always been a daddy's girl

beautiful bride

It was such a beautiful day!